Spinal Decompression
What is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression?
Non-surgical spinal decompression is a form of therapy used to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with certain spinal conditions, such as herniated discs, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, and facet joint syndrome. It is a non-invasive treatment approach that aims to relieve pressure on the spinal discs and nerves by creating a negative pressure or a vacuum-like effect within the spinal discs, which can help reduce pain and promote healing.
Non-surgical spinal decompression involves the use of a specialized table that gently stretches the spine and creates traction. The patient lies on the table and is secured with harnesses, while the table is programmed to apply a specific amount of force and duration of traction to the spine. This traction can help to relieve pressure on the spinal discs, reduce inflammation, and create a favorable environment for the discs to heal.
Non-surgical spinal decompression is performed over a series of sessions, and the number and frequency of treatments will vary depending on the individual’s condition and severity of their disc injury. It is used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that will include other conservative therapies such as exercise, stretching, soft tissue work and weight loss. Dr. Taylor will work with you directly to create a custom plan, tailored to your individual situation.

Accu-Spina decompression table comfortably stretches spine to provide relief.